Chilla’s Art Android

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Welcome to the enigmatic world of Chilla’s Art Games! Here you will find multiple narratives on different topics, starting from stalkering tragedies to the inexplicable cases of mystical assaults. Choose a game of your liking and enjoy the completely unique atmosphere of urban dismay.

How to play Chilla’s Art Games

Each tale starts with the introduction, from which you will know what is going on and which venture is waiting for you ahead. Taking the role of the most common citizen, you will be dragged into the most exciting and at the same time horrifying pursuit of your life.

Whether you are a student, working to make a living during your free evening hours, or a kid, who is trying to prevent their family from falling apart, you will have to bear lots of challenges, both logical and psychological ones. Intricate puzzles and tangled storyline really make the player unleash their imagination.

To make you feel even more responsible for your actions, Chilla’s Art Games always present multiple endings and you can’t be sure to find a good one amongst them. The realism of these projects is on an incredibly high level, which gives an unmatchable charm to them.

Entertain yourself with uncanny sights

Chilla’s Art Games are not without miraculous cases, too! There are some issues no human can explain and you should be ready to confront not only human maniacs, but vicious ghosts from the legends, told by the locals. Some of the creatures inhabit only deserted areas, but the other ones prefer to hunt under the deep cover of the night in the middle of large cities.

Only quick thinking and a bit of luck may save you from their wrath. Experience the tense pursuits and nervous expectation of the nameless horror in the Android version of Chilla’s Art Games!

Distinctive visual style is also the essential part of the narratives and with the old-fashioned effects add up to the overall impression of consternation. Combined with the intuitively understandable interface, it results in the fantastic tale, where the danger may come from any side.